At Foster Garvey, our commitment to pro bono service is woven into the fabric of who we are.
This report is a testament to the partnerships we have built with nonprofits and legal organizations working towards a common goal: expanding access to justice. It highlights the dedication of our attorneys and staff, who generously donate their time and knowledge to champion those most in need.
We devoted 4,563 hours to pro bono work in 2024, helping communities nationwide seek justice and equity. Behind these hours are numerous stories from people or organizations whose lives were changed for the better. This report illuminates those stories and recognizes the incredible organizations that make this work possible.
We recognize there is still room to develop our program and remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring disadvantaged communities have access to high-quality legal representation. We look forward to continuing to grow our pro bono program in 2025.
Thank you for standing with us in this important work.
With sincere appreciation,
Hannah Fine
Equity & Pro Bono Specialist
Malcolm Seymour
Principal & Co-Chair of the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee
Kelly Mennemeier
Associate & Co-Chair of the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee

Pro Bono By the Numbers
National Recognition
The American Bar Association awarded Adrian Urquhart Winder the Pro Bono Publico Award in recognition of her outstanding commitment to providing volunteer legal services to low-income and disadvantaged individuals.
Since 1984, the Pro Bono Publico Award has highlighted the extraordinary efforts of attorneys across various sectors, including small and large firms, government offices and corporate law departments.

Pro Bono Honor Roll
Discover the timekeepers who dedicated their time and experience to making a meaningful impact through pro bono work this year.
Commitment to Pro Bono
Powerful stories of how our attorneys and staff have made a meaningful impact through pro bono service.
Commitment to Community
Examples of how our firm is dedicated to fostering diversity and strengthening communities through impactful initiatives and partnerships.
Connect with Our Program
Our Pro Bono program focuses on meaningful work that aligns with our firm's values and fosters positive change for individuals and organizations around North America.
For inquiries about pro bono opportunities, please reach out to Hannah Fine, our Equity & Pro Bono Specialist, using the contact form. Hannah and attorneys Kelly Mennemeier, Malcolm Seymour, John Hoerster and Cinda Fernald are dedicated to guiding our pro bono efforts.